For more than 100 years, IIABCal has provided legislative, regulatory, judicial and grassroots advocacy to independent agents and brokers through a network of professional advocates and volunteer members. IIABCal members are part of a political grassroots organization, comprised of thousands of independent insurance agents and brokers speaking with one voice on the state and national levels.
State Representation: Mobilizing the collective strength of agents and brokers into a united voice is IIABCal's most important member benefit. No other organization is as capable or effective on behalf of independent agents and brokers. IIABCal's legislative, regulatory and political grassroots advocacy is under the capable direction of full-time, professional advocacates.
National Representation: The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America's (IIABA) grassroots program is the backbone of legislative advocacy on agent and broker issues on Capitol Hill and in state capitals. IIABA's 300,000 agents, brokers and their employees are a formidable grassroots constituency on Capitol Hill. They play a key role in shaping legislation involving insurance regulatory reform, producer compensation, small business concerns, tax issues, tort reform, privacy issues, natural disaster reform, terrorism insurance, crop insurance issues and health care reform.
Your Regulatory Advocate: Steve Young Senior Vice President/ General Counsel IIABCal 925-426-3314